Friday, November 25, 2011

How To Find High Quality in Your Clothes

Apparel quality is defined as a degree of excellence, a conformance to the requirements, and the extent to which a garment meets expectations. In other words, apparel quality is how well a garment meets the wants and needs of the consumer/wearer. No manufacturers are against quality, but some give quality more of a priority than others. Maintaining a level of quality is essential because low quality can result in a great loss of business for many companies. A successful business knows that they need to offer consumers higher quality, lower prices and different styles. The quality of a garment can be reflected in its physical features and its performance features. A garments physical features are the same is its intrinsic attributes; features that cannot be changed without changing the garment. This includes material, silhouette, etc. A garments performance features determine how the garment will benefit the consumer. This includes its functionality and overall attractiveness.
With all that under consideration, it's time to focus on price in relation to quality. Have you ever let your perception of a garment's quality be contingent on its price? In some cases, certain brands hold a reputation for a specific level of quality. Often times, when this happens, quality is reflected through price. Consumers shouldn't rely on this rarity. Instead, one should be educated on how to affectively acknowledge quality in garments before they purchase them.
There are 5 things a consumer should look for in apparel when shopping:
1. Color
2. Style
3. Fit
4. Price
5. Functionality
Each of these 5 things can help a consumer conclude whether or not the garment is high or low quality. Other items to consider include country of origin, fabric, general appearance, shrinkage, and comfort. A final aspect to consider before buying a garment is the cost per wear. Cost per wear is essential in determining quality. To find the cost per wear of a garment, simply take the purchase price and divide that number by the number of times the garment can/will be worn. The resulting number indicates how much it will cost the consumer each time they wear the garment.
I hope this helps you guys find quality in your clothes! Stay tuned for more apparel quality tips from Always Ready-to-Wear Fashion.
Clothes that rip along the seams after wear and wash indicates low quality.

Clothes should not shrink when washed, this is another indicator of low quality.

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